
Interface Summary
DrawableImage This defines methods used by drawable images.
InteractiveImage This defines methods used by interactive drawable images.
Playable This defines methods used to control time-based media.
Trackable A Trackable object implements no special methods but promises to draw itself correctly in both imagespace and worldspace.
Video This defines methods to control a video image sequence.
VideoRecorder This defines methods for creating a video from a series of images.
VideoType This defines methods common to all video types.

Class Summary
BaselineFilter This is a Filter that subtracts a baseline image from the source image.
BrightnessFilter This is a Filter that changes the brightness and contrast of a source image.
ClipControl A ClipControl controls a VideoClip.
ClipInspector This displays and sets VideoClip properties.
DarkGhostFilter This is a Filter that produces fading ghost images of dark objects on a bright background.
DecimalField This is a NumberField that displays numbers in decimal format with a fixed number of decimal places.
DeinterlaceFilter This is a Filter that returns only one field of an interlaced video image.
DoubleArray This manages an array of doubles.
Filter This is the abstract base class for all image filters.
FilterStack This is a Filter that contains and manages a series of Filters.
GhostFilter This is a Filter that produces fading ghost images of bright objects on a dark background.
GrayScaleFilter This is a Filter that produces a grayscale version of the source.
ImageCoordSystem This manages point and vector transformations between imagespace and worldspace coordinates.
ImageCoordSystem.Loader A class to save and load ImageCoordSystem data.
ImageVideo This is a Video assembled from one or more still images.
ImageVideoRecorder This is an image video recorder that uses scratch files.
ImageVideoType This implements the VideoType interface with a buffered image type.
IntegerField This is a NumberField that accepts only integers.
MediaRes String resources for media classes.
NegativeFilter This is a Filter that produces a negative version of the source.
NumberField A NumberField is a JTextField that formats and displays numbers.
ResizeFilter This is a Filter that changes the pixel dimensions of an image.
ScientificField This NumberField displays numbers in scientific format.
ScratchVideoRecorder This VideoRecorder records to a scratch file which is then copied as needed.
StepperClipControl This is a ClipControl that displays every step in a video clip.
SumFilter This is a Filter that sums pixel values from multiple images.
TCircle This is a Trackable circle that extends TShape.
TCoordAxes This draws the worldspace origin and axes of an image coordinate system.
TimerClipControl This is a ClipControl that uses a swing timer.
TLine This is a TShape that draws a line.
TLineProfile This obtains line profile data from a video image.
TPoint This is a Point2D that implements the Interactive and Trackable interfaces with additional utility methods.
TrackableCircle This is a circle that implements the Trackable interface and is associated with a single video frame.
TransformArray This manages an AffineTransform array.
TShape This is the base class for all TPoint objects that draw a Shape.
TVector This is a TShape that draws a vector.
VidCartesianCoordinateStringBuilder A coordinate string builder for a video panel.
VideoAdapter This provides basic implementations of all Video methods.
VideoClip This defines a subset of video frames called steps.
VideoClipControl This is a ClipControl that uses the video itself for timing.
VideoFileFilter This is a FileFilter that accepts video files.
VideoFrame This is a DrawingFrame with video menu items.
VideoGrabber A video capture utility using media classes.
VideoIO This provides static methods for managing video and text input/output.
VideoMouseHandler This is a general purpose mouse handler for a video panel drawing TShapes.
VideoPanel This is an interactive drawing panel with a video player.
VideoPlayer This is a GUI component for playing a VideoClip.