Package org.opensourcephysics.ejs.control.swing

Interface Summary
NeedsPreUpdate An interface for children elements that need to be preupdated before its parent gets updated.

Class Summary
ConstantParser This class provides static methods that parse a string and return a Value with the corresponding type and value, ready to be used by the setValue() method of ControlElements
ControlBar A bar that display double values.
ControlButton A configurable control button.
ControlCheckBox A configurable checkbox.
ControlComboBox A combobox to display string options.
ControlContainer A configurable Container
ControlDialog A configurable Dialog.
ControlDrawable Abstract superclass for Drawables (children of ControlDrawableParent)
ControlDrawablesParent A container to hold Drawables.
ControlFrame A configurable Frame.
ControlLabel A configurable Label.
ControlNumberField A textfield to display double values.
ControlPanel A configurable panel.
ControlParsedNumberField A textfield to display double values.
ControlRadioButton A configurable checkbox.
ControlSlider A slider to display double values.
ControlSound An element to play sound according to the state of an internal variable.
ControlSplitPanel A configurable SplitPanel
ControlSwingElement ControlSwingElement is a base class for an object that displays a visual java.awt.Component.
ControlTabbedPanel A configurabel TabbedPanel
ControlTextArea A configurable text.
ControlTextField A textfield to display double values.
ControlWindow A configurable Window.