Package org.opensourcephysics.display.axes

Interface Summary
CartesianAxes CartesianAxes defines common Cartesian coordinate methods.
DrawableAxes DrawableAxes defines axes that render themselves in a drawing panel.
PolarAxes PolarAxes defines common polar coordinate methods.

Class Summary
AbstractAxes An abstract class for axes that defines font and title accessor methods.
AbstractPolarAxis AbstractPolarAxis implements methods common to all polar axes.
CartesianCoordinateStringBuilder Builds a coordinate string from a mouse event for an axis type.
CartesianInteractive A cartesian axis class that provides interactive scale adjustment with a mouse.
CartesianType1 A modified version of the ptolemy.plot.PlotBox class designed to work with the OSP drawing framework.
CartesianType3 CartesianType3 draws draggable X and Y axes in the interior of a plotting panel.
CoordinateStringBuilder Builds a coordinate string from a mouse event for an axis type.
PolarCoordinateStringBuilder Builds a coordinate string from a mouse event for an axis type.
XAxis XAxis: an x axis that knows how to draw itself in a drawing panel.
XYAxis A superclass for the x axis and y axis.
YAxis YAxis: a y axis that knows how to draw itself in a drawing panel.